Canterbury Tech Summit 2017



Another amazing event this year with a record crowd of 700 attending the Canterbury Tech Summit in Christchurch!

It’s a fantastic gathering of the Christchurch tech community meeting up with old faces & new.

I think what inspires me the most is the gathering of a common ethic to work together building great IT companies & products in software & hardware. 

It makes me proud of such a gathering of talented people and getting pumped on inspirational speakers really gets the motivational juices flowing reminding me of the grit, determination & resilience whether you’re in a start-up, software house, technology company or corporate striving to be the best you can.


Here's a great video re-cap of this awesome IT conference in Christchurch that has become an annual showpiece of the South Island IT community




Keynote speaker & marketing guru Andy Cunningham was fired 5 times by Steve Jobs ...amazing war stories & presentation!



Andy Cunningham delivering a great opening keynote at the 2017 photo by Canterbury Tech


Digital Marketing guru Andy Cunningham on companies - 'Know your Super Power' your 'Onlyness'! The thing you do better than anyone else.



Once again a very well attended event & a highlight of the Christchurch tech calendar photo by Canterbury Tech


There was a variety of topics & speakers from AI, Machine Learning, BIg Data, Security, Digital Disruption, Design Thinking, Cloud, Bitcoin & the Blockchain....



AI Forum of NZ photo by Canterbury Tech

Here's to another great software summit and I'm already looking forward to the next one in 2018! Thanks again to the Canterbury Tech committee for another superbly organised event and to all those who attended.


I'm Founder & Principal Consultant of Sunstone, an IT Recruitment & HR company specialising in recruiting IT roles within software, web, mobile, development & networks in Christchurch & South Island of New Zealand.